When did you first discover Jesus?
Discovering Jesus and the Church; routines reflecting intention or habit; offerings and gifting
Why do we hope?
Hope versus acceptance; believing in what we cannot see; making things happen.
Burn Baby Burn
Do you fix or replace what's broken, imaging a world without consequences, and highlighting a change in perspective
Strength and Your Village
Strength and your village
All That Glitters Is Not Gold
Worthiness and entitlement; Church is anywhere that God is present
Easy as 1, 2, 3
What we fear in darkness; order and chaos; why we strive for easy and effortless; recognition and purpose
Jesus Help
Jesus Heals in Response to Faith. Asking for help, beliefs and society, mistakes, loss and entitlement, meaning and hope, JH.
The Living Stone and a Chosen People. Believers, good and evil, cornerstone and foundation of life, community and value.
Picking Sides; Values & Forgiveness
The Fall of Jericho. Picking sides, courage to be different, forgiveness.
Love Thy Neighbours
The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Differences, loving our neighbours, actions and intentions.